April Fools!

April Fool’s Day, perhaps the most significant date in the Christian calendar, celebrating the time when Jesus notoriously pranked Judas by slapping him in the balls in front of the other disciples. Sure, we’ve all been subjected to a humble wind-up, but no one can dupe and humiliate like our friends in the movies. Here’s a list of the best practical jokers, appearing in everything from teen thrillers to thought-provoking dramas about race inequality. No genre is above a whimsical jape!

Amelie Poulain – Amelie

Don’t let the pixie cut and chocolat eyes fool you, Amelie is a mischievous minx. Whether she’s tampering with timepieces, or tinkering with toothpaste, she’s the unidentified scourge of trickery to the neighbours. Her magnum opus of misconduct comes when, as a child, she interferes with the TV aerial of a neighbour during a big televised football game. Sacré bleu!

Kevin McCallister – Home Alone

Kevin McCallister puts his pranking abilities to practical use by defending himself against two good-for-nothing crooks. Full of engineering prowess and cuteness to boot, Kevin single-handedly protects his house from burglary with comical slapstick and witty finesse, all the while rediscovering the importance of family. What more could you ask for in a Christmas movie?

Minny – The Help

It’s not quite a Jackass movie or a Christmas family comedy, but The Help involves a prank to end all pranks that leaves it’s victim with both egg and human shit on her face. Skeeter (Emma Stone) returns from having graduated university and decides to conduct some expository journalism that will highlight the demeaning way in which white socialites treat their African-American ‘Help’. More importantly, Minny makes Bryce Dallas Howard eat poop! Punked.

Carrie – Carrie

Based on the Stephen King novel, Carrie revolves around a telekinetic schoolgirl, oppressed by her mother and persistently bullied by her classmates. Carrie’s lament is temporarily lifted when she wins the title of Prom Queen, but she soon discovers it’s been an elaborate prank when a bucket of pig’s blood is emptied on her from above. However, she gets the last laugh when she savagely murders those around her with her supernatural powers. Classic.

Borat – Borat

This entire movie is ostensibly a prank to anyone who came in contact with it during production. Employing extreme cringe, Sacha Baron Cohen royally fucked with innocent Americans who genuinely believed he was a foreigner ignorant to the Western lifestyle. The calamities involve Borat bringing a prostitute to a private dinner, a naked scuffle in a hotel corridor and the attempted kidnap of Pamela Anderson. As crude as the movie is, it truly shits on any of the pranks in Home Alone.  



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